Real Property Management Stellar

Gainesville GA Property Managers Remind Owners and Tenants to Prepare Your Property for Fall

As the cooler weather approaches, it’s time to perform some property maintenance to ensure your investment property is as prepared for the change in weather as you are. Your Gainesville GA property management team has a few tips to help you through this seasonal maintenance.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips from the Leading Gainesville Property Management Company

With summer winding down quickly and the cooler weather approaching, we recommend some basic services to protect the home and prepare it for colder winter air:
1. Avoid expensive repairs by servicing your heating and air conditioning systems. Clean or replace filters, remove build up on fans, consider covering the outside A/C unit(s), and check the basement humidity levels.
2. Step outside for a breath of fresh air … and enjoy the fall landscaping. Fertilization, pruning, and any other lawn care services (such as sprinkler line maintenance) should be completed to keep up the curb appeal of your home.
3. Clear rain gutters of any debris from leaves and needles, etc.
4. Got a fireplace? Time for a chimney sweep! Get it in clean working order so tenants can be comfortable and your property safe all-season long.

Gainesville Property Managers Are Not Alone in Maintenance Responsibilities

As a property manager, you do have obligations to keep the property well-maintained, and your tenants do as well. Here are a few seasonal items they are responsible for:
1. Take care of any safety hazards. Any items that pose an accident such as bulky carpets or loose hand railings should be repaired.
2. Check electrical sockets in use to ensure they are not warm to the touch.
3. Inspect fire extinguishers to confirm they are properly charged.
4. Check any alarms and CO2 detectors throughout the home and install fresh batteries.
5. Review household safety and emergency plans, and locate gas and water shut off valves.
6. Clean/replace filters and vents as needed and vacuum under all appliances.
7. Change furnace filters as required.
8. Ensure all doors and windows securely close.
9. Clean all drains and traps to ensure proper drainage.
10. Tidy up outside by storing hoses and similar items.

As a Gainesville GA property management company, we work with tenants to get your investment property ready for any season. It is a priority to help you keep your home and tenants protected by performing seasonal maintenance duties. If you are not up to performing maintenance on your own, contact the leading Gainesville GA property managers to assist you!